Marriage they say is a union of two souls in love who are willing to be together forever. Let our emphasis be on the words “TOGETHER FOREVER” because millions of couples often forget the part of the institution of marriage that requires them to live ” TOGETHER FOREVER.”
A survey carried out in 2018 recorded a rate of 3,000 divorce cases in Lagos, Nigeria, in the month of January only. That’s a ridiculous amount of unwanted marriages, or rather, I say aborted marriages. This happened because many people forget the real reason why they should have said ‘YES’ to their partners before going into marriage in the first place, which is LOVE.
The increase in divorce is because marriages have been turned into short-term business partnership and many religious bodies approve of it due to the fact that the founders of said religious bodies are divorcees. The solution is the option that is always avoided, and that is love and understanding and commitment.
If the rise of divorce cases is left unchecked the streets will be filled with children whose parents are divorced who will hate their parents and the world and the circle of HATRED (not love) will continue to bring us closer to the dark age once again.