As we prepare for June 5, being world environment day, let us live with the understanding that we do not have just June 5 to care for the environment. Every single day should be considered a day to make our immediate environment a better place.
I was amazed to listen to my three year old niece define environment. She gave exactly, the definition I later found the website of the World Commission on Environment and Development, “where we all live.” Environment is actually, the totality of the natural and human surroundings. It includes biophysical and socio-economical components.
Some ecosystems (ecosystem being the system of living organisms) are not self-sufficient but depend on neighbouring communities for such inputs as organic food materials; an example might be a small stream ecosystem. Example of ecosystems includes a meadow, a forest, a stream, a lake, or any other clearly defined part of the landscape.
The environment is basically constituted of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil from which we get our food. Due to various human activities and over population, our environment is being adversely affected. This is called pollution.
Pollution posses a serious threat to the very existence of human life on earth. We get sick when we breathe emissions from industries, automobiles etc. Pulp and paper industries emit toxic and noxious chemicals like chlorine and dust from limekilns.
Vehicle emissions and fuel combustions are very difficult and costly to control and monitor. More laws on production to provide clearance for vehicles would be a good move to help to solve the problem.
Wastes from industries and human consumption contains materials like plastic, glass and chemicals. When the wastes are disposed, they damage the soil causing loss of vegetation.
Our concluding by opining that Inorder to save the earth and ourselves, we have to grow more trees, avoid overconsumption of materials, use everything to the maximum extent possible, use only environmental friendly goods and materials, and also, follow all the pollution control rules and regulations in a systematic manner among others.