All Shades of You | Poetry

Dear love,
This letter
Is one that I have
Always wanted to write

But for the nostalgia
And its accompanied feelings
That makes the heart confused
I should’ve written a long time ago

However, these pages I’m writing on,
Were, some times ago,
Torn off.
But I must write.

And more to that,
I must write on them,
For it was a promise I made
To ink of “all the shades you”

So, dear far away love,
I must tell you
That you are a light
And you shine brightly

You lit my way
In ways I cannot explain,
And I know deeply,
Beyond your own thoughts too

In my journey of discovery
You made it easy to tread,
Far away as you are,
I find you close when I’m in need

Your distant light
Have always found a way
To reach through this tunnel
Just when I seek light

You are my confidante,
Your strength in fragility
Is my motivation,
So I call you my greatest person

You are indeed,
This I must say
Without mincing words,
The greatest person I know

So love,
Shine that light of yours
Without relenting
Because the world needs it

And my world,
Oh, this little world of mine,
I wonder how it would have been
Without you.

© Kanu Ekpezu

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