
Nouakchott, Mauritania The heat really does wake you up in this deserty city. Yesterday was independence day or some birthday or something, and I got so, so, so boozed up, I don’t know how or when I got back to my beachside hotel, and blessedly in one fine, albeit almost naked, piece. My room was … Read more

Artificial Empathy

EVE POWERED down the house. It was eight p.m in the terraced home of Greg. He’d already retired to bed, but wasn’t asleep yet. Just laying there, hands clasped looking up at the ceiling, waiting for his consciousness to float away. “Shall I incline the bed by forty-five degrees for you, sir?” the feminine voice … Read more

Culture Shift

“Woe—” erupts the unmistakable shrill of the high oracle, tearing the womb of the night. • • • Parting dewy bushes, crushed underbrushes, lots of panting and sweating. Three stars in linear alignment above, no moon in sight, tar sky. Clad in well-oiled rags are the thieving men of Idi escaping a village. Idi is … Read more

Phallus is King

Like any ordinary man he roused from sleep and was doused into consciousness in the face of the penetrating heat of dawn. Dabbing his eyes with the back of his hand from where he was sprawled on the royal bed, the reassuring sight of his plush balcony, spacious bedchamber and exotic furnitures greeted his eyes, … Read more