Sonni Alli – The Opportunist

The inhabitants of Timbuktu, driven to desperation by the cruel and oppressive Tuarqui, sought the aid of Sonni Alli, a shrewd politician and skilled soldier, to rescue the crumbling Mali Empire from their clutches. Alli indeed succeeded in liberating the region from the Tuarqui’s tyranny, but his ambitions extended beyond mere heroics. Employing ruthless tactics, … Read more


Sundiata, a young but crippled Prince, was left to die by Sumanguru, King of Ghana, when Sumanguru invaded and defeated Kangaba, Sundiata’s kingdom. Sundiata’s eleven brothers were killed in the raid. By some extraordinary stroke of luck, Sundiata managed to recover his health and developed skills as a hunter and warrior. However, the reigning King … Read more