Crimson Confession | Poetry

You’re my addiction
How can I get rid
Of these thoughts of you
That roam my mind?

But why should I?
For you’re my prescription –
The only cure
To my loneliness

You make me lose my diction
Oh! How come
I’m short of words
When I’m around you?

But words are not good enough
For why should I Use such things
As ineffective as words
To express these feelings?

You’re my ablution
In your presence I’m sainted
What sacrifice do you require?
Well, I offer freely my life

This wretched life of mine
Will it even be enough?
To spend forever at your service
Isn’t a worthy price

And still, what price is worthy enough?
I attempted to paint Paradise,
It transformed into a portrait
Of your exquisite countenance

There’s nothing in life
That truly matters
When I’m in the presence
Of your grace my dear

You are my devotion;
The first thing my mind
Considers as day breaks
And the last at nightfall

And I know, my troubles shall all fly
If these lips; Mine and yours
Ever clips
For I’m with the woman I love

© Kanu Ekpezu

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