Simba | Poetry

Sing to me my dear simba
Let the melody from deep within create a warm sensation down my spine
Let the rhythm engulf my soul and seize my heart
Let your rhymes raise up rays of happiness and fill my emptiness
Let this feeling make me whole

Dance with me my jewel
Let my ears hear the gentle jiggle of your waist beads
Let my hands trace the smoothness of your curved hips
Let this feeling make you know
That I could be your Shakespeare
And your love my ink
I could fill the pages of your heart with soft poetry
My punchlines will push you swiftly into my arms

Listen to me Simba
I love you with every blood that pumps through my veins
Because every moment without you is a time wasted in vain
So sing to me Simba
Sing to me again.

© Monica Adie

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