Poverty, conflict, disease, and other negative situations prevalent in the world can be addressed and resolved through the acquisition of adequate knowledge. It has been rightly said that every person is illiterate to the extent of what they do not know. An illiterate individual can be likened to a blind person who may go hungry amidst an abundance of food. In today’s world or AI and other revolutionary tech solutions, education can be just a click away.

There are numerous factors that exclude millions of people worldwide from accessing knowledge. While the lack of financial resources is often highlighted as the primary cause, the selective nature of admissions processes in certain schools is also a significant barrier. For example, in Nigeria, the National University Commission (NUC) may require a specific university to admit only a certain number of students for a particular course in a given year.

If the purpose of education is to provide access to knowledge, then the only requirement for gaining knowledge should be the willingness to learn.

Several projects have been created to grant free and unrestricted access to education for those who wish to improve themselves and enhance their entrepreneurial skills. The goal is that no person around the world should be denied the right to education.

Some of these organizations operate as cloud-based universities, offering online and distance learning platforms like the University of the People and World Education University. Some promote the distribution of openly licensed resources for free to anyone desiring knowledge. While some offer diplomas, degrees, or certificates of completion, others solely focus on imparting knowledge without formal credentials.

Although complete and unrestricted access to information may be challenging to achieve as students also require a computer or smartphone and an internet connection to learn, it is undeniable that access to knowledge has become increasingly affordable and widespread.

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