Brands in Calabar often struggle to establish enduring legacies, primarily due to a widespread neglect of what I consider the foundation of brand development: trust. Robert Kiyosaki’s perspective on branding highlights its two fundamental elements – a promise and an experience. The essence of a brand lies in the fusion of these components. Initially, people are drawn to a brand because of the promises it makes, but their loyalty is ultimately secured by the quality of the experiences it delivers. A prime example of this concept is illustrated by Domino’s Pizza, renowned for its bold declaration, “Your Meal In 30 Minutes or It’s Free.” This statement essentially served as a promise, yet the actual experience was defined by what transpired between placing an order and receiving the meal.
Unfortunately, many Calabar-based brands struggle to meet both of these criteria. They often excel in presenting compelling promises but frequently fall short when it comes to delivering on those promises. This applies to both product-oriented and service-based brands, and as a consequence, such brands seldom withstand the test of time.
This challenge is not confined to product brands alone; it extends to brands associated with individuals, including speakers and influencers. Many either make false claims about their identity or engage in schemes that dangle seemingly irresistible promises that, in reality, are unattainable. Their primary focus tends to revolve around immediate financial gain rather than gradual and sustainable growth.
As my boss astutely observes, many individuals aspire to achieve rapid fame, seeking to create a significant impact with a sudden burst of attention and noise. However, genuine growth is an incremental process often overlooked in favor of instant gratification. Eventually, these individuals either find themselves fleeing as their deceptive schemes unravel or facing the grim reality of business failure as consumers realize they cannot deliver on their extravagant promises.
While it may be tempting to assign blame to these individuals, the real responsibility lies with consumers. They frequently demand offerings that are too good to be true, inadvertently encouraging individuals to resort to questionable business practices. I’ve personally encountered fellow digital marketers who proudly tout substantial earnings from projects that, upon closer scrutiny, barely generated a fraction of what they claimed. These inflated figures are used to entice unsuspecting individuals into investing in their projects or availing themselves of their dubious services.
In conclusion, Calabar has the potential to nurture enduring brands, provided that brand builders commit to a path of gradual, authentic growth rather than fabricating success that remains beyond their reach. Sky Height Digital Ltd offers a range of services and opportunities to assist brands in achieving this gradual growth. Their flagship initiative, the Inter-preneurship Nexus, is a seminar brand designed to elucidate how technology can be harnessed for entrepreneurial endeavors, offering valuable insights to aspiring entrepreneurs.