A brand is more than just a logo or a name; it is a promise and an experience, as stated by Robert T. Kiyosaki. For instance, a detergent that claims to be a tough stain remover makes a promise to its audience. The actual experience of whether it removes tough stains or not is what shapes the brand. Every time you encounter the brand’s logo or name, the promise and experience come to mind.
When it comes to establishing a brand on the internet, there are certain unconventional tools that can either enhance or ruin your branding process. In this discussion, we will explore how to effectively build your brand on social media.
Establishing a brand on the internet requires careful consideration of several factors, including:
YOUR PROFILE AND COVER PICTURES: Your profile and cover pictures serve as your branding clothing on social media. Whether it’s a professional photo of yourself or a representative of your brand, it sets the tone for how your audience perceives you. If you are using graphics, ensure that they are of high quality.
YOUR PAGE USERNAME: On Instagram and Twitter, your username is created during the account setup. However, for Facebook, you need to create a username for your page separately. Ensure that your username is consistent with your page name or related to it. This helps improve your page’s visibility when users search for relevant keywords.
CONTENT QUALITY: Pay close attention to the quality of your posts. Read, reread, and proofread them before and after publishing. If you discover errors in a post after it is published, you can either delete or edit it. Additionally, ensure that your videos, images, and graphics are of good quality. Poorly executed content can undermine your brand’s credibility. For example, I once came across a Facebook ad for Forex Trading Tutorials that had grammatical errors, low-quality graphics, and poor image cropping. Despite the flaws, the post had over 200 comments, with one commenter sarcastically stating, “Go make money first before teaching us how to make money.”
The internet provides an excellent platform for marketing, but success lies in doing it right. Proper branding plays a significant role in effective marketing strategies. Without it, you may end up spending more than you gain, if anything at all.
Remember, a strong brand on social media is built through attention to detail, consistent and high-quality content, and a clear alignment between your brand’s visual elements and its values.